Digitizing better together!
The digitization of mission-critical machines is a business area of Industrial Connectivity Services from Siemens Digital Industries. And precisely because they are critical to success, many customers are reluctant to make changes to these machines. Yet digitization offers considerable advantages in terms of productivity and reliability of such machines. That’s why trust plays an important role.
The task
“Never change a running system” – and now you come up with digitization? Many customers don’t want to approach the topic, not least because they don’t know exactly what’s in store for them in the course of digitization. Hence there is communicative resistance to overcome before you can communicate the benefits to the customer. A video was supposed to do the trick – but in conversation with the customer, it turned out that it would be better to do a video series, with an “icebreaker” to build trust and three deep dives for the technology explanations.
The implementation
Why not show that the Siemens DI team doesn’t know everything either, but rather proceeds step by step together with the customer? That’s the basic idea behind the icebreaker, at the beginning of which the DI team fails at the task of explaining its own work, namely Industrial Connectivity Services (ICS), in five sentences. The detailed explanation follows naturally on its heels and at the same time already conveys advantages of digitization. In the end, the team sums up what ICS is all about in three sentences. In the deep dives, we really go one step deeper into the matter and the customer learns what he can expect. Here, too, the information is told from the personal perspective of individual team members.
The result
The filming took place at three Siemens locations and the relaxed, informal atmosphere during the shootings is also conveyed in the films. That’s why it’s so easy for customers to break down inhibitions and be more confident about approaching the “experts” with (supposedly) simple questions. After all, “they don’t know everything” either. But the films (including the deep dives) show the team members at work, as creatively as they are approachable, and build trust.