The task
Staging the re-launch of SIDRIVE IQ for Siemens LDA so that the greatly expanded product features and the switch to a central digital platform with apps receive maximum attention.
The implementation
… relies on a surprising translation of the benefits of SIDRIVE IQ that stands out and differs from usual digitalization communication. The focus is on the benefit of SIDRIVE IQ: the quality of the collected condition data of the medium and high-voltage drive systems. It provides serenity because plant operators can make informed decisions based on secure data at any time. This serenity is symbolized via photos of the target groups balancing a flamingo on their heads. A social media campaign communicates this message and highlights all aspects of SIDRIVE IQ in a variety of static and moving assets.
The result
Communication that stands out because it deliberately disrupts visual habits. The flamingo is an eye-catcher, a popular figure and a brand ambassador all in one. It becomes a strong visual anchor with high recognition value. The combination of organic posts and a well thought-out paid campaign combines eye-catching visuals with precise targeting – and it’s fun.